Hi Pedro, thanks! For a print you can look at this image (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DH89S3AXgAE_lrA.jpg:large) from Todd Motto’s twitter, which shows a part of one of his projects: look at the “courses” module, you’ll find different folders for components, containers, services and so on. This is what it should look from the “inside” of a module, so it’s one layer deeper of what this article shows you. :) Note that he uses a “store” folder for each module, which contains reducers, actions and effects because he uses Redux with ngrx/store (you could use also angular-redux which is what I personally use, but they are both fine).
Whilst for a shared module structure, you can take a look at this example project (https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-uikit), I made it in about an hour just for demonstration purposes, don’t expect the components to be awesome, but you get an idea of the structure. You can see that in the AppModule I just imported all the UiKitModule, but since I structured the project with index files all around AND declared a module for each component, you can actually just import the components you need (ex. import { AccordionModule } from ‘./uikit’ ). This way the UiKitModule acts only as a container which just re-exports all the other modules.
Hope you find some tips here! :)